Diaper Cake
Before you go thinking ewwww, it’s not edible. This ‘cake’ is actually made out of diapers and it’s a great gift for moms-to-be or for birthdays of kids up until they’re still wearing diapers.
You can add as many items as you want on the cake…I typically put baby oils, shampoos, lotions, socks, onesies, soothers, toys, hats, gloves….anything!
You can make a simple cake with just diapers as well- it all depends on your budget. I like giving this gift because typically everyone else gives either toys or clothes (which are great but a kid can only have so many toys) and diapers are expensive but necessary so instead of just handing someone a bag of diapers you can dress it up more creatively.
Nothing on this ‘cake’ has been glued down so all the diapers can actually be used.
© Ammara Cokar 2014