Here’s another scrapbook page, the word ‘valima’ means wedding reception in Urdu. The pictures are from my sister’s wedding reception a few years ago. I decided to do a couple of close-up’s of this one because there is a lot going on on the page. There is loads of texture which was created by using so many layers and elements, corrugated cardboard, scrunching paper, stitching, tulle, felt, and flowers. A lot of the elements on this page are recycled or found objects like the tulle, doily, and broken pieces of jewelry. I like to hang on to random ‘pretty’ items and then they come in use on pages like this.
I created minuature bunting using small scraps of leftover scrapbook paper. The key on the page belonged to an old cabinet that I had at a place I lived in years ago.
The ‘bling’ elements are broken pieces of old jewelry. I also took a doily, inked it to match the page and then scrunched it up for more texture.
I think that I’m going to try and make some more pages in this style, the page has a lot of elements on it but the final result turned out beautifully.
© Ammara Cokar 2015