Cupcake Pin Cushions
These cute little cupcakes, made by Dr. MC look good enough to eat. They’re handmade and completely customize-able. They can be used as pin cushions or even as decorations. These cupcakes, along with…
Vin Gogh- Moonlight Deer Painting
Lots of creative engineers at this Vin Gogh on the go party tonight. This was a company team building event/Christmas party and for the majority of the people here, it was also their…
Expressionist Graffiti
For this class we used some art journaling type techniques to build a background full of layers. Everyone then had the option to add text of their choice to the canvas. It’s always…
Vin Gogh- Sunflowers Painting
I taught a class at Vin Gogh and it was for a holiday party. They all painted this sunflower painting. It’s amazing how, given the same instructions everyone’s paintings are unique. A…
Buttermilk Tarragon Biscuits
The biscuits are so crumbly and fluffy at the same time, the addition of the sour cream and buttermilk, as well as not stirring the batter too much, gives the biscuits an amazing…
Painting a Little Town
This is a cute little painting I had prepared for a class. Everything was done in acrylic and then the stars were drawn in with a paint marker at the very end once…
Blog Giveaway (closed)
It’s time for another blog giveaway prompted by giveaway day on Sew Mama Sew tomorrow! Please visit their site to enter a number of other giveaways that are happening in the same time…
Chicken Shepard’s Pie
This delicious version of a Shepard’s pie was given to me by an old friend. The recipe is packed full of really amazing flavors and, tastes really good served with gravy. If you…
Henna’d Hand
Just another quick little picture of a henna’d hand to share. I used my phone camera so please excuse the photo quality.
Sunflower and Snowman Painting Classes
I’ll be teaching this sunflower painting for a class at the Vin Gogh Paint and Sip Studio in Calgary on Friday Dec 11th in the evening. On Saturday morning the 12th of December…